Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Day of the Month

Its the last day of the month so I guess I'm going to do some self-reflecting.

It's been great to leave home and travel. By coming to Europe (Spain) I've had a lot of fun, but at the same time I feel like I'm ready to go home.

The system here is so different and I have yet to get accustomed to it. I hate the fact that my Spanish is kinda looked down upon because I have a neutral accent. I don't have a lisp and people here fixate on that, if they only knew that back home the same would happen to them. The egotistical Spaniards think that their way of life is so superior to that of Latin America and even the United States. Yet the biggest or funniest contradiction is that they themselves are moving to be more like the United States. By emulating another country's customs deteriorates from your own social and ethnic difference and makes you a hypocrite.

I'm already tired of the Southern Part of Spain.

The great thing about the experience of traveling abroad has been the ability to learn about another place or actually familiarize myself with the area. No fuck it, I really do hate the southern part of Spain. I really am bi-polar right now.

Damn the month of September has come and gone. Kinda happy about it. Next month...more traveling!

1 comment:

  1. Just think how much traveling you're getting in or gonna get in. I'm sure Spain is eh, you sound extremely bitter at them lol. Quit hating! hate Hate hate... lol
    Miss yah bro!
