Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chronicles of Conchi

Volumne II

Conchi keeps on giving me little anecdotes of what this one kid that stayed with her did. This is like her "What not to do Guide"

-Andres is a cute boy, he just doesnt have manners, he never said 'Good Morning,' NOR 'Good Night'

-Andres is a cute boy, he NEVER WASHED HIS HANDS. You would think for being so cute that he would.

-Andres is a cute boy, he left for Egypt one weekend and told me he was coming back Monday. He didn't back for a whole week. I was dying from the anguish of not know where he was... he then said, "I told you I was coming back THE FOLLOWING MONDAY."
Conchi: PEOPLE CALL! COñO! I would.

-Andres never turned off the lights, doesn't he know I pay for the electricity?!

This gives me a nonchalant way of knowing how to act in her house. This lady is passive-aggressive but she is hilarious. Sometimes these anecdotes dont make much sense or they don't coincide, I think she pulls them out off her ass.

Something tells me Andres doesn't exist. She just makes them up.

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