Monday, October 5, 2009

A Fresh Start

Im really excited for the month of October. It seems like new air has come through the city of Granada. Excited.

Fixating on what ROW-C-O has said: I will try not to be so negative and or be so bitter with Spain. I'm hear at least to escape from other things!!

On a good note Ive lost 5 kilos. About 11 pounds.

Hurah for Spain!


  1. I should whoop your ass for every time you bitch and complain about Spain.

    First off, at least you aren't stuck in a rut in Chicago.

    Second off, you are in a different country that YOU chose therefore suck it up and enjoy it.

    Third off, there are millions of people in your age group that would die for your experience, SO FREAKING ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!

    Final note, stop complaining about Granada because remember you are only there 4 days a week you can always get away on friday's through sunday's.

  2. haha agreed with BS..
    On a lighter note..
    Let's do a race war, I'm down 21 pounds, how many kilos is that?
    See you in December, Flaco :-P
