Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blake, the Pot-smoking, philosopher

What is there to say about Blake, he was just one big pothead. He was an illegal resident of Spain. He left Madison after college cause he wanted a change. He came to Spain for 3 months to travel and decided to stay. “After 3 years, you obtain legal residency.”

He worked in a Hostal in Granada (turns out the same one we stayed at the first week—Hostal Atenas) and then realized he was doing all of the work and for no pay. So he got out and started his own in a friends house. Now he did all the work but was getting paid for it. What did he do with this money? Smoked pot all day of course. Oh the luxuries of life, he had it set.

The best quote from Blake: “ Cardinal directions: (West) Old person there, (East) Old person there, (North: Patio) Cigarettes outside, (South: House) Weed in!”

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