Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alpujarras--Nature whooped my ass!

I climbed a mountain!

For all you non-believers, yes I did climb a mountain! So far our tuition has paid for this: An excursion of the city of Granada: Alhambra, Albaicin, Cathedral, candlelit dinner next to the Cathedral, the first Hostal, a flamenco performance, and now a trip to the Sierra Nevada! Man I wish U of I actually did something like this back home.

We went up to the Alpujarras got off the bus and went straight to a lodge were we got prepped on the hike. This is the hike, in total 7 hours! We went to the next town, I swear I have never walked so much and in such an incline, crossing trees, narrow paths, cow dung, and small streams. Once we reached the next town we stopped at the plaza for a small breather. They fed us chocolate to keep our strength up.

Then we started our climb up to the next town. Once again we crossed trees, narrow paths, poison ivy, and other natural shit. I was getting tired, hungry, and cranky from so much climbing. I took in the scenery ever so often when we stopped or was given a history lesson of the mountain.

It's scenic and wonderful. I never want to do it again.

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