Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hostal Atenas-- Don't Sleep!

We arrived at Granada almost at 5:30 am Chicago time on Tuesday, August 26th. We landed in the International Airport of Granada. It was really just a runway with planes parked and people get off right on the runway; this is the first time I’ve ever done this, it was pretty awesome.

Baggage claim wasn’t so awesome. We waited 45 minutes for our luggage, and meanwhile a rent-a-cop security guard racially profiled me. For his taste, I was too dark to be there and asked to see my visa. I knew it was coming so I had my passport ready to show him my visa. He couldn’t say anything and walked away.

We finally met up with Miguel Angel the reason why the Granada program was started. He is an alumnus of the University of Illinois. He got his PhD in Linguistics from the University. We got our luggage, boarded the bus, and headed to the Hostal (motel); this would be our home for the next couple of days. I thought we would be staying in a shitty place…far from it. It was a great place in the center of the city. It had beautiful views and it was a great introduction to the city of Granada. The only downside to being at the Hostal was being told we couldn’t/shouldn’t sleep so that we could get accustomed to the time zone. So, what’s the next best thing when you are in new city? EXPLORE! We left the Hostal at 5 p.m. ate dinner right in front of the Cathedral, and then went out around the city. We went back to the Hostal got ready and went to the club, Discoteca Granada 10! This doesn’t get poppin’ ‘til 4 a.m.

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