Thursday, September 24, 2009

Morocco--As a Reality

I went to Morocco, so that means I've been on the Continent of Africa.

Morocco is a beautiful country surrounded by poverty. Not sure if the trip was as great as anyone had made it seem but at least I didnt have to travel by myself to this part of the world.

I was scared in Morocco ...not because of Islamic terrorism or safety, I was scared because I look muslim! 5 different vendors came up to me and asked me if I was Arab, or Muslim? I told them politely, no, 'I'm from El Salvador.' Then they would leave me alone. I found Lucy and told her to make sure I was on every boat, bus, and ferry ride until we got back to Granada. I clinched on to my passport EVERYWHERE!

First day we got to Ceuta (A Spain city in Morocco), then headed over to the hotel. It was a long day of traveling but exciting.

Saturday, we got breakfast and headed over to the Medina. If you have ever been to a market in Latin America you can figure out what a Medina is, and you've experienced it. It was a long walk through it, and you got to see everything, from chickens with their heads being cut off, to a donkey, to a shark. It really made me appreciate grocery stores back home!

Sunday, was our trip to Chef-Chaouen. I think this was the best part of the whole trip. It had the best views, less people, and most of all free time.

All in all it was a great time... I'm dead tired from the trip still. Waiting for the next adventure. It looks like it will be Italy! Planning the trip soon.

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