Monday, September 14, 2009


This area of the city is next to the Albaicin. The impressive part is that people inhabit this area as well and they live in caves. They have dug their homes into the caves, during the summer they don’t need air conditioning because its nice and cool. During the winter months, the heat from the earth heats their homes. Not spending on heat or air conditioning is awesome! Very ecological. These homes used to be considered slums but now they are sitting on a goldmine. Supposedly these homes used to be worth less than 3,000 euros, now are worth 1.2 million euros.

There are some old people up there that have realized how much their homes are worth and they go to a bank and ask for a loan. They put their homes as collateral and then dont pay for the loan. They walk away with almost 500,000 euros that they will not have to pay back. When they die, the bank takes the property.

Anyways, the Sacromonte also has two get assets the first is the Flamenco theater that sits at the very top and a series of bars and a Club that are nestled into some caves. This is also the first thing I heard about Granada. CLUB IN A CAVE!!!

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