Monday, September 14, 2009

Club Scene—Don’t stop til 7 in the morning!

It takes the cake. This is a typical night going clubbing. You leave your house around 11 pm and you go out with some friends to eat tapas. Tapas are free with every drink you buy. You stay at the restaurant from 12 or 1 am. Then you go to a park for a boteyon. A boteyon is just a drunk fest in a park. You bring your own drink or bring alcohol and drink together. This should last until about 3 or 4 in the morning. After this is when you hit the club. You go all night until sunrise, usually around 7 or 8 in the morning. Depending on if it’s the weekend or a regular night you do one of two things. If it is a weekend you go home have breakfast with your family, smelling like an ashtray, and then go to bed only to wake up around 2:30 for lunch. If it’s a weekday you go home have breakfast with your family, which consists of three pieces of bread with margarine or jam and a cup of coffee. Their cup of coffee is not what you think, in realitiy it’s an espresso shot with a cup of milk. Depending on how bad or good of a night you had you would get double or triple the shot of espresso. After you are finished take a bath and then go to work or school.

Partying in Spain is on a whole different level, and from what I hear this is the light version. Other countries start promptly at 9 pm and don’t stop until 7 in the morning—almost 10 hours of europop.

The clubs are also quite labish, there is no detail that is not looked at, from the frosted glasses to the pillows that are used to decorate the places. You know you are hitting a nice club when the line outside could be seen from any street and lights, veils, and music exaggerate the impressive facades. And not to talk about the girls out in all glory, the only thing is that they don’t dance as promiscuous as the “American girls.” You can always tell when there is a foreigner in a club…

Just to compare—In Champaign we would start pre-gaming at 8 pm or so, hit the bar or club at 10 or 11 and then be done by 2 am. If you were lucky you can go to the apartment or the HOUSE and have an afterset until 5 or 6 am. Oh to the good times, I guess its time to take it international and have a good time in Paris, London, or Granada!

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