Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Battle with the ATM

ATMs don't like to be bothered at 7 O'Clock in the morning either. I had to stop by an ATM, I was low on cash for the trip to Córdova and Sevilla.

The first time I put in my card it rejected the card. "Fine I'll try again", I thought. Nope, REJECTED again. "Third time is the charm." You know what the ATM did: TRANSACTION FINISHED! STEP INSIDE FOR MORE ASSISTANCE! NO Money and a receipt for the transaction. Scared shitless, no money, and with time against me (the Bank was closed) I left to try and catch the bus that would most probably leave me. My trip to Córdova and Sevilla had started.

When talking about Euros, ATMs and wee hours in the morning you never want to piss off an ATM... just wait... cause you just have to remember Murphy's Law: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong; your best bet is not to tempt faith...

Good times on the road!

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