Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where in the World is Francisco?

So, once again I've neglected this blog and I realized when I wrote a letter to someone back home.

Here is the letter:

Granada, November 5, 2009
Whats up?

Talk about being bombarded with questions... lol
I'm great enjoying all there is... the only downside is that I am currently sick from traveling, but being sick from traveling is a small price to pay.

Ive currently been to:
Granada, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Sevilla, Spain
Cordoba, Spain
Malaga, Spasin
Nerja, Spain, Costa Del Sol (Like the French Riviera)
Las Alpujarras, Spain (Mountains)
Tetuan, Morocco
Tangier, Morocco
Chef-Chaoen, Morocco
Atlas Mountains, Devils Horns, Morocco
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Venice, Italy
Lisboa, Portugal
Sintra, Portugal

Still to come:
Barcelona, Spain
Prague, Czech Republic
London, United Kingdom
Paris, France
Amsterdam, Holland

Places I might travel hopefully:
Istanbul, Turkey
Edinburgh, Scotland
Dublin, Ireland
and St. Petersburg, Russia

Ive learned a lot of things that I am actually surprised I didn't know. Its been a good learning experience. Traveling abroad is so amazing!

I was actually really homesick kinda in the beginning and truly hating both the Spaniards and Spain. Andalucia, the state that I'm in, is actually just like Latin America. Most of the people that left for the new world came from this region of Spain (because of the proximity to the ocean) they took with them their culture, language and architecture. So I was like: been there, done that.

Of course, I have been a little social butterfly, I've made friends from England, Holland, Australia, Spain, Portugal, and Italy... The Hostels (motels) are really something else, filled with students traveling. It's been an awesome meeting place for everything. I would really want to live in Belgium or Australia. Their governments PAY their students to travel and not go straight to college. They want them to be sure that they know what they want to do with their lives and to get experience. So for 2 years they sponsor them to leave their homes and TRAVEL THE WORLD. I was really jealous when I heard this.

[I] don't watch much TV here, but I occasionally watch some stuff with my sra., shes 65 and hilarious! The food that my sra. makes is great, I love the tortilla espaƱola (its a omelet with potatoes) and the paella. I also love the fact that with every drink you order you get tapas (an appetizer). However, most of the food in Spain is rather unseasoned. Thank god, Latin America didn't inherit that. The Spaniards arent really that open to other foods which is strange cause they are rather open to other cultures.

Hope this was enough...haha...

How's everything back home? Much has changed? Ready to graduate and come back to the city? How've you been? How's your family?

Hope all is well,
Ma as-salaamah,


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