Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Great Afternoon

Today, I, woke up feeling shitty basically I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I had only slept 6 hours (more than at U of I, I know), had a huge presentation ahead of me, and still sick. Once I arrived at CEGRI, I asked Julia (my teacher) for an extension and she blatantly said, NOPE! All problems set aside, I put a smile on my face, coughed, and gave my presentation. I think it bombed... whatever...

Afterward, I had a muffin.

After that muffin, I went to my tarea externa I meet with the owner of "La Oliva" we had a talk. I had tea.

The day started to get better.

Came back to CEGRI, sat and listened to the lecture.

The day now: meh.

Time for lunch, there's a great Italian pasta place by CEGRI. I started talking to the owner about Italy and then he tells me: "You're charming, you are very social and what a bambino, you can woo the girls... Ill give you the calzones for a discount! You tell good stories"

What horseshit, however, I'm good at listening and know when to interject. Put my two cents. AT LEAST I got the hook up now at the Italian place! YES!


PS. I had great cheese and wine AND I also got a free invite to a wine and cheese night on Friday...

End of day: GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. Get it together bro.. it is what it is.. and ur almost home, just enjoy the time you have out there!
    haha u awesome bambino!
