Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I still have to write about these places and upload pictures...

I'll get to it, soon enough.

Tetuan, Morocco
Tangier, Morocco
Chef-Chaoen, Morocco
Atlas Mountains, Devils Horns, Morocco
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Venice, Italy
Lisboa, Portugal
Sintra, Portugal

Great Afternoon

Today, I, woke up feeling shitty basically I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I had only slept 6 hours (more than at U of I, I know), had a huge presentation ahead of me, and still sick. Once I arrived at CEGRI, I asked Julia (my teacher) for an extension and she blatantly said, NOPE! All problems set aside, I put a smile on my face, coughed, and gave my presentation. I think it bombed... whatever...

Afterward, I had a muffin.

After that muffin, I went to my tarea externa I meet with the owner of "La Oliva" we had a talk. I had tea.

The day started to get better.

Came back to CEGRI, sat and listened to the lecture.

The day now: meh.

Time for lunch, there's a great Italian pasta place by CEGRI. I started talking to the owner about Italy and then he tells me: "You're charming, you are very social and what a bambino, you can woo the girls... Ill give you the calzones for a discount! You tell good stories"

What horseshit, however, I'm good at listening and know when to interject. Put my two cents. AT LEAST I got the hook up now at the Italian place! YES!


PS. I had great cheese and wine AND I also got a free invite to a wine and cheese night on Friday...

End of day: GREAT!

Booty Booty Booty Bounce; Booty Booty Booty Bounce!

I have had to explain House music so many times that Im getting sick of it. Then explaining why its so important, the way that our older siblings, cousins, or even parents still identify with Chicago House, House and Freestyle. People from CEGRI (other students, the majority coming from University of Wisconsin-Madison) don't know what that is...

I think its about time for a mothafuckin' Juke-off!!

Missing Chicago, somewhat...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chronicles of Conchi Vol IV

"Some warm milk and Cognac will relieve that cold" - Cochi

She was talking and pouring at the same time... half the cup was cognac and a little bit of hot milk... This is how a true Spaniard gets well: with alcohol!

Where in the World is Francisco?

So, once again I've neglected this blog and I realized when I wrote a letter to someone back home.

Here is the letter:

Granada, November 5, 2009
Whats up?

Talk about being bombarded with questions... lol
I'm great enjoying all there is... the only downside is that I am currently sick from traveling, but being sick from traveling is a small price to pay.

Ive currently been to:
Granada, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Sevilla, Spain
Cordoba, Spain
Malaga, Spasin
Nerja, Spain, Costa Del Sol (Like the French Riviera)
Las Alpujarras, Spain (Mountains)
Tetuan, Morocco
Tangier, Morocco
Chef-Chaoen, Morocco
Atlas Mountains, Devils Horns, Morocco
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Venice, Italy
Lisboa, Portugal
Sintra, Portugal

Still to come:
Barcelona, Spain
Prague, Czech Republic
London, United Kingdom
Paris, France
Amsterdam, Holland

Places I might travel hopefully:
Istanbul, Turkey
Edinburgh, Scotland
Dublin, Ireland
and St. Petersburg, Russia

Ive learned a lot of things that I am actually surprised I didn't know. Its been a good learning experience. Traveling abroad is so amazing!

I was actually really homesick kinda in the beginning and truly hating both the Spaniards and Spain. Andalucia, the state that I'm in, is actually just like Latin America. Most of the people that left for the new world came from this region of Spain (because of the proximity to the ocean) they took with them their culture, language and architecture. So I was like: been there, done that.

Of course, I have been a little social butterfly, I've made friends from England, Holland, Australia, Spain, Portugal, and Italy... The Hostels (motels) are really something else, filled with students traveling. It's been an awesome meeting place for everything. I would really want to live in Belgium or Australia. Their governments PAY their students to travel and not go straight to college. They want them to be sure that they know what they want to do with their lives and to get experience. So for 2 years they sponsor them to leave their homes and TRAVEL THE WORLD. I was really jealous when I heard this.

[I] don't watch much TV here, but I occasionally watch some stuff with my sra., shes 65 and hilarious! The food that my sra. makes is great, I love the tortilla española (its a omelet with potatoes) and the paella. I also love the fact that with every drink you order you get tapas (an appetizer). However, most of the food in Spain is rather unseasoned. Thank god, Latin America didn't inherit that. The Spaniards arent really that open to other foods which is strange cause they are rather open to other cultures.

Hope this was enough...haha...

How's everything back home? Much has changed? Ready to graduate and come back to the city? How've you been? How's your family?

Hope all is well,
Ma as-salaamah,


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mezquita de Córdova

These are just some of the pictures from the Mezquita/Cathedral:


A trip from Granada to Córdova takes 3 hrs to travel 202 km (126 miles: Distance from Chicago to Champaign. Mountains kill time and people!)

Bright and early, at the ass crack of dawn, I got up for the bus to go to Córdova. It was 7 O'Clock in the morning and the sun wasn't even out. I was kinda weirded out by this, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why the sun didn't come out. Back home the sun comes out between 5 or 6 am. Another difference to check off to Spain. The joke is really the fact that it took me over a month to realize this, I get up past 8 and so does Spain so I didn't know.

It took me all of 20 minutes to get ready and left. Miguel Angel told us, that at 8 a.m. the bus would leave with or without us. So of course running on Latino Time I barely made it to the bus on time.

This trip took much longer than I thought. However, the weather kept changing every half hour. It went from Sunny (when the sun finally popped out) to Foggy, to a raining back to sunny.

When we finally got into Córdova, she got off and was given the tour of the Alcazar and the Jewish quarter. Then came lunch. The guide, Miguel Angel and Nerea gave us almost 2 hours of roaming time in the city.

The great thing that came out of these 2 hours: I SAW THE QUEEN!!! lol Damn that lady is loaded!

At 5pm everyone left to go back to Granada. 5 others and myself, decided to just take a train to Sevilla.

The city of Córdova is pretty much just a cultural treasure cove of history! There was so much of it everywhere and every society.

La Mezquita de Córdova was amazing and just simply wonderful! There are endless rows of Muslim arches.
...Now to be stupid! They kept on giving us the tour and of course I was being a dumbass, because of the corner of my eye what do I see? GOLD. So I was inching my way over to the spectacle that was sure to be TONS of gold. Sure enough when the tour-guide took us to the little museum of the cathedral there was a STATUE made purely out of gold. The guide told us that it was 300 lbs. of pure gold brought back from the NEW WORLD. Then I said, "Shit, It looks like I'm coming back tonight for my cut." After that room we were taken to the Cathedral part of the Mezquita (the church sits in the middle of the old Mezquita). There the guide told us to sit down on the beautiful handcrafted mahogany benches. She then proceeded to tell us about their origin. Since in Europe mahogany doesn't exist, it came from CUBA. Without any hesitation I said: "WHOA??! I'm taking this shit too..." and the whole group started laughing... Nerea just sighed and began to laughed... I guess I can't seem to control my rants.

I'm going to post some pictures of the Cathedral in a later post, so just watch out.

Peace (It's almost siesta time! lol)